SCOTUS Review: Key Business Decisions of October 2015 Term and 2016 Outlook
Barnes & Thornburg’s appellate practitioners invite you to a complimentary webinar that will discuss rulings made by the Supreme Court in the most recent term and a preview of the cases to be decided in the 2016 term. How will these decisions affect your company and what should you be watching for? Learn how these decisions may affect the business and legal communities, both immediately and long-term.
Speakers will discuss key labor and employment, intellectual property, white collar, and constitutional law cases. Specific topics will include:
- Developments in the scope of patent law
- Interpretations of Rule 23’s class action provisions
- Pronouncements on federal criminal law (including the Hobbs Act, RICO, and securities fraud)
- ERISA preemption and other issues impacting health benefit plans
- Controversial decisions on immigration and the Affordable Care Act
Thursday, September 22, 2016
2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. (Eastern)
1.5 Hours CLE Credit Pending
This webinar is offered compliments of Barnes & Thornburg's Appellate Practice Group.
Questions? Contact Courtney Brown at or (317) 231-7312.