California Through the Looking Glass
California is always on the cutting edge of employment laws – many of which are later implemented in the rest of the country. 2020 was a big year for new employment laws being enacted in California, and several of these new laws are set to take effect on January 1, 2021. This program will review the most significant new laws and legal developments for employers, including:
- Changes in independent contractor laws including AB-5, AB-2257 and Prop 22
- New regulations arising out of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Litigation trends and pitfalls
- EPLI issues in California: Is it worth it?
1.5 hour CLE credit pending. This program is valid for 1.5 PDCs for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®.
Questions? Email Courtney Brown or call 317-231-7312.