Life Sciences Lifeline - Indiana's Radiopharmaceutical Industry: A New Cluster of Opportunity
Kristin Jones
President and CEO Indiana Life Sciences AssociationSarah Chaney
Radiation Programs Director Indiana Department of Homeland SecurityKevin Haehl
Site Head Advanced Accelerator ApplicationsKristina Moorhead
Deputy Vice President, State Policy PhRMAKara Weatherman
Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Purdue UniversitySPEAKERS
Kristin Jones
President and CEO Indiana Life Sciences AssociationSarah Chaney
Radiation Programs Director Indiana Department of Homeland SecurityKevin Haehl
Site Head Advanced Accelerator ApplicationsKristina Moorhead
Deputy Vice President, State Policy PhRMAKara Weatherman
Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Purdue UniversityIndiana’s life sciences industry is an $80 billion driver of the state’s economy – employing more than 56,000 Hoosiers at an average wage of well over $100,000.
The state’s industry is large, globally important, and recently, has become a production hub for cancer-fighting radiopharmaceuticals. Indiana has several key advantages over other states, but more can be done to encourage and support the growth of nuclear medicine.
Please join us as we hear from industry leaders and officials on how the sector is growing and is being prepared for more growth.
Lunch and networking will begin at 11:30 a.m. and the program will run from noon-1 p.m.
The Life Sciences Lunch Series has a new name and a new look! Please keep an eye out for future events under our new name, “Life Sciences Lifeline.”
The safety of our community is our highest priority. All federal, state, and local masking guidelines will be followed.
Questions? Email Carissa Jenkins or call 317-231-7763.