I AM...
- A water girl at heart - looking out at the Chicago River and Lake Michigan as I work on water quality issues for our clients is the best gig in the world
- A fiercely proud wife of a police officer who spent over a decade working midnights so he could always coach T-ball, AYSO, flag football, and so much more
- A Lego addict who built Hogwarts over winter break and Wrigley Field over spring break
- An avid sports fan – it’s rare to find a family photo in my house that wasn’t taken at a football, baseball, or basketball game
- An Illinois Wesleyan baseball fan and mother of a freshman pitcher - Go Titans!
- A firm believer in the transformative power of education, helping to send amazing young people to undergraduate and graduate institutions around the world
- A struggling baker searching for the perfect bread recipe
- Inspired by Barnes & Thornburg women and to name a few: Tammy Helminski, Jennifer Baker, Cheryl Gonzalez, Ashley Parr, Louise Dyble, Jessica Reiss and Michelle Jawor
This profile appeared in the April 2019 edition of I Am Barnes & Thornburg.