Prior to joining the firm full time, Tate worked as an intellectual property law clerk at Barnes & Thornburg for two years. He is well-versed in the prosecution of trademark registrations and enforcement of trademark rights in the U.S. and in foreign jurisdictions, international internet brand protection and licensing, and copyright law, including copyright eligibility, registration, ownership issues, licensing and addressing copyright infringement.
Additionally, Tate gained experience as a legal extern for a pharmaceutical company, a home services organization, and an agriculture-focused foundation, which provided him with an understanding of the unique challenges faced by in-house counsel. This experience allows him to offer practical, business-aligned legal strategies that are operationally effective.
Outside of Tate’s legal endeavors, he manages a large show pig business specializing in Tamworth swine. As a trademark enthusiast, Tate filed a registered trademark for his farm, Tams Can®.
Professional and Community Involvement
Treasurer, Indiana State Fair Hereford and Tamworth Swine Association
Member, Indiana Farm Bureau Production Agriculture Policy Advisory Group