Our attorneys have experience representing businesses and individuals involved in the political process and have helped them research and form political action committees, comply with lobbying and pay-to-play laws, and implement robust ethics and compliance programs. We also regularly advise trade associations on political action committee activities, Congressional committee testimony and legislation drafting.
Leading companies in the pharmaceutical, entertainment, energy, healthcare, insurance, manufacturing and real estate industries, along with individuals involved in the political process, rely on us for guidance on these types of political law matters. They look to our attorneys for us for knowledgeable and tailored solutions and cost-effective assistance with the numerous regulations and laws that apply to:
- Campaign finance
- Political Action Committees (PAC)
- Political contributions
- Ethics and gift rules
- Lobbying disclosure
- Pay-to-play laws
- First Amendment concerns
- Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) reporting
Practice Leaders
Matthew E. Morgan
Partner Federal Relations Co-ChairIndianapolis, Washington, D.C.
P 317-231-7258
F 317-231-7433