Annual Workshop for Local Government Attorneys
Join us for this year's annual workshop for local government attorneys.
Topics on the agenda will include the latest on employment law, the pandemic, negotiating agreements, and legal ethics.
8:45 a.m. Webinar Opens
8:55 a.m. Introduction and Welcome
9 a.m. Legislative Preview
10:10 a.m. Indiana Code Title 5 and Title 36: Miscellaneous Observations
11:20 a.m. Legal Ethics for Local Government Lawyers
12:20 p.m. Break
1:40 p.m. Negotiating Development Agreements Between Political Subdivisions and Developers
2:50 p.m. Current Topics in Employment Law for Local Government Attorneys
4 p.m. Miscellaneous Legal Matters Relating to the Pandemic
6.0 hours CLE credit and 1.0 hour Ethics credit.
Questions? Email Blakelee Kortz or call 317-231-7316.