Salt Lake City
Suite 1825
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Utah is one of the best states to start or locate a business and our attorneys know just how to help businesses – large and small, public and private – thrive.
- Overview
The vibrant business market that has sprung from Salt Lake City’s pioneering past and shining future sets the tone for our results-oriented attorneys. We advise businesses in Salt Lake City and beyond on how to successfully bring products to market using effective intellectual property strategies, regulatory compliance programs and innovative business practices.
Our attorneys understand how to marry the science behind new inventions with the need for comprehensive legal strategies for creating successful products for the marketplace, domestically and internationally. Our chemical and life science patent attorneys and legal professionals in Salt Lake City are backed by a full-service national firm with offices from coast to coast.
For More Information
Kevin D. Rising
Office Managing Partner Los Angeles Managing Partner, Co-chair, Consumer Class Action DefenseLos Angeles, San Diego, Salt Lake City
P 310-284-3888
F 310-284-3894
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