Cyber Security Liability and Privacy: When a Breach Happens - Who's Liable, Who's Responsible?
What: Cyber Security Liability and Privacy: When a Breach Happens - Who's Liable, Who's Responsible?
When: Nov. 7, 2013 | 8:30 a.m. ET (Registration) 9-10:30 a.m. (Panel)
Where: Training Room | 5520 Research Park Drive | Suite 110, Baltimore, MD 21228
Program Overview: Scott Godes of Barnes & Thornburg LLP's Washington, D.C., office will join a panel of speakers for this Nov. 7, 2013 CYBERInnovation Briefings seminar.
As cyber attacks plague critical infrastructure, financial institutions, and the federal government, liability and privacy remains a growing concern. With losses mounting and sensitive information being leaked several questions remain unanswered - who’s liable, who’s responsible, what are enterprises doing to protect their customers? In this panel, professionals in cyber security liability, privacy, and insurance will define cyber security and privacy liability, explore the basic coverage offered under cyber security and privacy insurance policies, the types of claims being paid out, the costs for coverage, the process for notification and handling of claims, breach litigation (minimizing the risk of a law suit and finding settlement opportunities), and forensics, crisis management and parties involved when a breach occurs.
Additional information: For additional information visit www.bwtechumbc.com.