Hot Topics: Labor & Employment Law Update
No Union, Then No NLRB, Right? Wrong
Adam Bartrom, Barnes & Thornburg, will provide an update on recent NLRB issues that affect non-unionized workforces and related issues.
They’re Almost Here! Practical Suggestions on the New FLSA Regulations
Mark Scudder, Barnes & Thornburg, will address the changes to the white collar exemptions under the FLSA that take effect on December 1 and offer practical tips for employers adjusting to the new rules.
The Same Old Title VII, or Is It?
Jason Clagg, Barnes & Thornburg, will discuss recent developments under Title VII, including new case law, agency guidance, and proposed legislation addressing sexual orientation and transgender issues. The discussion will cover a variety of matters facing employers, such as restroom access, allegations of harassment, and more.
OSHA Forecast: Storms on the Horizon
Mark Kittaka, Barnes & Thornburg, will discuss OSHA’s new mandatory electronic recordkeeping rules as well as the new prohibitions on mandatory post-accident drug testing policies, safety incentive programs and retaliation. Mark will cover the increased fines (78%) as well.
Please join us to learn more about and to discuss these ever-changing issues affecting your workplace.
Barnes & Thornburg
888 Harrison Street
Ash Brokerage - 8th Floor
Fort Wayne, IN 46802
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Registration: 1:30 p.m. (Eastern)
Program: 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Reception to follow on the 6th floor
2.0 Hours HRCI, SHRM and CLE Credits Pending. This program is offered compliments of Barnes & Thornburg's Labor & Employment Law Department.
Questions? Please contact Savannah Robinson at or (260) 425-4636.