Labor and Employment Updates
Top OSHA Developments for 2019
Mark Kittaka, Barnes & Thornburg
Mark will discuss OSHA issues on the horizon, such as:
- Drug-testing Issues (including legalized marijuana and CBD oil)
- Safety Incentives
- Electronic Record Keeping
- OSHA’s Proposed Use of Drones for Inspections
- Employee Use of Electronic Scooters
Workplace Civility = Bottom Line Savings
Adam Bartrom, Barnes & Thornburg
Adam will discuss how civility in the workplace can result in fewer discrimination, harassment, and retaliation claims, thereby saving legal costs and adding to your company’s bottom line.
Non-Competes & Trade Secrets in a Strong Job Market
Jason Clagg, Barnes & Thornburg
Jason will discuss how best to protect your business through the use of restrictive covenants and to respond to potential trade secret theft in the current competitive job market. The discussion will provide an update on recent legal developments in Indiana and beyond, and will focus both on practical tips and avoiding potential pitfalls.
Lights, Camera, Action: Real Life Employment Scenarios
Mark Scudder, Barnes & Thornburg
Through the use of prerecorded video scenarios (starring actual Barnes & Thornburg lawyers and staff), Mark will lead an interactive discussion on employment best practices and how to avoid having everyday workplace issues turn into legal claims.
Attorney Panel Discussion: Hot Legal Issues for 2019
Adam Bartrom will moderate an interactive discussion between a panel of lawyers/HR professionals and the audience on various hot legal issues for 2019 including new OT regs, #metoo, employee use of CBD oil, and other hot topics.
2.0 hours CLE and HRCI credits pending. This program is valid for 2.0 PDCs for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®
Questions? Contact Courtney Brown at cbrown@btlaw.com or (317) 231-7312.