Tokyo Summit 2024 - Cybersecurity Awareness & Data Privacy
How can Japanese companies manage legal risks, navigate data privacy and develop the most dynamic cybersecurity corporate training program By Saya University + Sega Sammy
Welcome to the Tokyo Summit 2024 - Cybersecurity & Data Privacy!
SAYA + Sega Sammy collaborate to explore the world of cybersecurity, risk management and data privacy. Join us at the Tunnel Tokyo for an evening filled with insightful discussions, networking opportunities, and expert speakers.
Learn about the latest trends to optimize cybersecurity employee education and best practices to protect your data. Discover how to navigate the complex landscape of privacy regulations and ensure compliance for your organization when faced with legal risks.
Don't miss out on this unique event that brings together professionals, thought leaders, and innovators in the field of cybersecurity and privacy. Secure your spot today!
東京サミット2024 - サイバーセキュリティ & データプライバシーへようこそ!
SAYAとセガサミーが協力し、サイバーセキュリティ、リスク管理、データプライバシーの世界を探求します。TUNNEL Tokyoで開催されるこの夕方のイベントでは、専門的な講演、ネットワーキングの機会、そして洞察に満ちた議論が行われます。
4:00 PM - 4:15 PM
Introductory Remarks by SAYA Co-Founder
4:15 PM - 4:45 PM
Keynote Roundtable
Former Senator of the Japanese Parliament (Diet) Dr. Kenzo Fujisue will lead a discussion with a top cybersecurity academic Mr. Satoru Tezuka. Mr. Fujisue was involved in legislation leading to the passage of the Basic Cybersecurity Law and is actively involved in promoting cybersecurity both domestically and internationally. Mr. Tezuka is an expert in information technology. He has been a commissioner on the Personal Information Protection Committee (PPC) of Japan and the founder of the most important cybersecurity symposium held every year at Keio University. One of the most connected and respected cybersecurity thought leaders, this conversation will provide deep insights into the state of Japanese cybersecurity past, present and future.
元参議院議員の藤末健三氏が、サイバーセキュリティの第一人者である手塚悟氏を迎え、特別対談をリードします。藤末氏はサイバーセキュリティ基本法の立法に深く関わり、国内外でサイバーセキュリティの推進に尽力してきた人物です。また、手塚氏は情報技術のエキスパートとして、個人情報保護委員会(PPC)の委員を務め、慶應義塾大学で毎年開催される日本最大のサイバーセキュリティシンポジウムを立ち上げたことで知られています。 サイバーセキュリティ分野において、最も影響力を持つ二人のリーダーが、これまでの歴史から現在、そして未来に向けての展望まで、深い洞察を共有します。この貴重な機会を通じて、日本におけるサイバーセキュリティの現状と今後の課題について、重要な示唆を得られること間違いありません。
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Cybersecurity Education: How to Strengthen Japanese Employee Awareness
サイバーセキュリティ教育: 日本企業の従業員の意識を強化する方法
Cybersecurity education is a new field in Japanese corporate training. In this panel discussion we'll invite the Founder/CEO of the #1 Japanese corporate training platform Lightworks, the co-founder of the leading Japanese-American cybersecurity employee training program SAYA, and senior executives from Sega Sammy. They will discuss the current cybersecurity awareness situation across Japanese large enterprises and SMBs, what is missing and how to strengthen Japanese cybersecurity awareness. We will learn what is cybersecurity awareness and what measures can be taken by Japanese corporations to reduce cybersecurity risk.
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Navigating Legal Risk in Global Data Security, Privacy & Cross Border Disputes
Navigating Legal Risks in Global Data Security, Privacy, and Cross Border Disputes: A Japan-Focused Perspective The panel will discuss the unique challenges and considerations faced by Japanese businesses in the complex legal landscape surrounding data security, privacy, and cross-border disputes and discovery, especially in light of the rapid development and adoption of global artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. AI presents both opportunities and risks, and understanding the legal implications is crucial for organizations operating in Japan.
グローバルデータセキュリティ、プライバシー、クロスボーダー紛争における法的リスクの対処:日本に焦点を当てた視点 このパネルディスカッションでは、日本企業が直面するデータセキュリティ、プライバシー、そして国境を越えた紛争やディスカバリーに関する法的な課題と考慮事項について議論します。 特に、グローバルな人工知能(AI)技術の急速な発展と普及に伴い、その法的側面を理解することが、日本国内で活動する企業にとって極めて重要です。AIは大きな機会を提供すると同時に、リスクも伴います。日本企業がこの複雑な法的環境をどのように乗り越えていくかについて、専門家たちが深く掘り下げます。
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Final Remarks & Professional Networking
閉会の挨拶 & ネットワーキング
Participants can enjoy some refreshments and network with speakers and members of the SAYA and Sega Sammy team. Light appetizers will be provided and drinks.